Cari Arsitek disini tempatnya...........

Arsitektur Online adalah penyedia jasa arsitek yang dilakukan secara online dimana berfokus pada keperluan desain arsitektur. Mulai data dari owner di kirim via email terus komunikasi penyajian desain juga via email sampai penyajian terakhir bisa dikirim via pos. Dengan keberadaan online internet kita bisa menjangkau ke seluruh pelosok nusantara bahkan dunia untuk memenuhi kebutuhan desain arsitektur dengan mudahnya untuk itu berdiri.

Desain Arsitektur

Kebutuhan desain arsitektur baik keperluan eksterior maupun interior mulai dari rumah tinggal, kantor, ruko ( rumah toko ), villa, gudang, hotel, mall, apartemen, tempat ibadah, dll tergantung permintaan owner.

Desain Rumah

Didalam proses pelaksanaan suatu rumah tinggal perlu adanya desain yang dapat dijadikan acuan / pegangan supaya lebih memudahkan didalam pengerjaan proyek rumah tinggal untuk itu desain rumah mutlak adanya apalagi rumah mewah yang banyak sekali memerlukan suatu apresiasi didalam proses menuangkan ide-idenya.

Produk Arsitektur

Untuk mencukupi keperluan didalam suatu proyek maka dibutuhkan gambar konsep, gambar penyajian, gambar kerja khususnya arsitektur untuk itu onarsitek berusaha untuk memenuhi kebetuhan tersebut.

Penyajian Arsitektur

Didalam penyampaian kepada konsumen perlu adanya suatu hal yang dapat memperjelas pengertian terhadap owner untuk itu diperlukan penyajian arsitektur yang mudah pengplikasiannya, maka perlu suatu produk digital yang dapat membantu untuk membuka pandangan masyarakat awam

Seluruh Indonesia

Untuk sementara waktu ini onarsitek hanya bisa melayani customer seluruh Indonesia, tetapi untuk jangka panjang tidak menutup kemungkinan bisa seluruh dunia.


Jumat, 23 April 2010

Membangun dan Merenovasi Rumah ala Desainer

Membangun dan Merenovasi Rumah ala Desainer

Adakalanya ketika sebagian orang atau mungkin anda memutuskan untuk membeli sebuah rumah merasa kurang puas, ketidakpuasan tersebut dapat saja dengan alibi yang beraneka macam. Desain yang dirasa kurang cocok, lokasi yang kurang strategis, atau mungkin harga yang anda anggap kurang pantas diberikan pada sebuah produk (rumah) jika ditinjau dari kualitas produk tersebut. Untuk anda yang memiliki more budget mungkin anda tidak terlalu pusing, anda tinggal menentukan kriteria rumah yang anda inginkan (desain, lokasi, atau developer dari yang menjual jasa perumahan, dsb) kemudian anda bisa langsung membeli. Tapi bagi sekelompok orang yang tidak termasuk dalam golongan the have tentu bakal sedikit lebih pusing yah? banyak hal yang harus dimasukkan dalam daftar seleksi. Misalnya saja: dengan budget 90 jt desain seperti apakah yang cocok, bagaimana kualitas bangunannya, dimana lokasinya, developer nya bonafid atau tidak, dsb.

Seringkali perumahan-perumahan yang dibangun oleh beberapa developer memiliki jenis kesalahan yang seragam, buta akan etika profesi, tidak menggunakan hati nurani, tidak memilki rasa malu atas kewajiban dan tangung jawabnya, melakukan pembenaran atas asas ekonomi yang salah kaprah didalam otak mamalia pimpinan dan selanjutnya mengambil keuntungan atas sesuatu yang bukan merupakan haknya , dsb. Anda percaya? Kalau anda masih ragu-ragu saya akan tunjukkan, dimana letak persamaan (dalam hal kesalahan) dari para developer tersebut.. Beberapa developer menghasilkan produk (bangunan) dengan kualitas bangunan yang buruk, hal ini biasanya terjadi karena developer tersebut mensub-kontrakkan pembangunan rumah kepada para sub-kontraktor (dalam hal ini kita sebut saja : Sub-kontraktor tingkat pertama), selanjutnya sub-kontraktor tingkat pertama mensubkontarkkan proyek tersebut kepada sub-kontarktor tingkat kedua, dst.

Bayangkan saja jika proses subtitusi pembangunan rumah itu terjadi beberapa kali, dan setiap sub-kontraktor mengambil keuntungan masing-masing? Akibatnya Biaya produksi bangunan untuk setiap unitnya makin berkurang, efek dari berkurangnya biaya produksi bangunan tersebut adalah terbatasnya anggaran untuk membeli material yang berkualitas dan mempekerjakan tukang atau tenaga yang ahli, ditambah lagi dengan pelaksanaan pekerjaan yang terburu buru untuk mengejar progress atau deadline membuat kualitas dari produk yang dihasilkan bisa dipastikan buruk, dan sudah pasti yang buruk itu akan mengecewakan.

Untung saja, beberapa orang dari kalangan profesional (Arsitek dan Civil Engineer) yang mengerti tata cara membangun rumah mulai dari tahap pra rencana/pra design, desain, perencanaan, pelaksanaan+pengawasan, dan pemeliharaan berinisiatif mendirikan usaha kontraktor (walaupun dalam skala kecil) untuk melayani jasa renovasi ulang bangunan standar dari developer, atau mungkin membangun bangunan dilahan (kapling) yang kosong. Harganya pun bervariasi, renovasi minor pada bangunan (ex: mendesain kitchen set, mengganti warna cat, membuat tamaan/landscape, kolam renang, dll) hingga renovasi pada tingkat major, seperti : menambah lantai bangunan, merombak total bangunan kemudian mendirikan bangunan yang baru, renovasi pada bagian-bagian tertentu yang dikehendaki oleh pembeli, dll. Masalahnya, berapakah pantasnya harga rumah ala desainer ini? perlukah anda membeli rumah ini? Atau, bila anda juga ahli bangunan yang ingin berbisnis dengan model seperti ini seharusnya berapakah pricing rumah yang akan anda tawarkan?

Kasus 1: Membangun rumah dari kapling kosong

Dibeberapa perumahan, developer memang menyisakan kapling kosong. Biasanya kapling yang dijual ini diposisi hook, ada kelebihan tanah, ataupun bentuk yang tidak persegi. Bila kita pembeli membangun rumah dikapling ini tentunya tidak ada permasalahan. Namun bila arsitek ini serta merta membangun dengan harapan dijual kembali tentunya tidak akan semudah diatas. Yang marak terjadi adalah, rumah yang sudah dibangun dijual dengan harga yang terlalu mahal.

Contoh: Seorang arsitek membeli kapling kopel seluas 150 m2 dengan harga 300 juta. Setelah dibangun bertingkat, rumah tersebut dibandrol dengan harga 1,5 milyar. Selang 1/2 tahun, rumah tersebut tidak laku terjual, dan kini statusnya dikontrakkan. Untuk menghindari kasus seperti diatas (yang anehenya masih marak terjadi) seharusnya arsitek menganalisa terlebih dahulu perbandingan rumah dilokasinya. Bila harganya mencapai 3-4 kali lipat, sedangkan lokasi tidak jauh beda, ada baiknya usaha penjualan rumah model ini dipertimbangkan kembali.

Kasus 2: Merenovasi Minor (kitchen set, taman, interior, dll)

Membeli rumah dari developer kemudian melakukan renovasi minor tanpa merubah struktur bangunan, dengan budget hingga 5-20% dari harga asli rumah masih mungkin untuk dibeli oleh calon pembeli. Kasus ini yang paling diminati, karena tampilan rumah sudah berubah dari bentuk aslinya dan harga renovasinya tidak terlalu tinggi. Karena jika harga rumah yang anda beli dan renovasi sudah terlalu tinggi, besar kemungkinan calon pembeli akan beralih dan memilih perumahan yang lebih baik.

Bagaimana dengan anda? Apakah anda salah satu dari yang memiliki pengalaman dengan jual-beli rumah ala arsitek seperti ini? :-)

TentangCAD gudang ilmu bagi pengguna CAD

TentangCAD gudang ilmu bagi pengguna CAD

Bagi yang mau berpartisipasi klik disini!

Berawal dari sebuah blog, yang mengkhususkan mencatat ide, memposting artikel, dan membuat uraian-uraian tutorial seputar penggunaan aplikasi CAD (Computer Aided Design). Sejalan dengan perkembangan zaman dan bergulirnya waktu kini tentangCAD telah membuat website yang begitu aktraktif dan sangat mempesona bagi semua orang, bukan hanya dari pengguna cad semata tapi lebih dari itu, mahasiswa sampai praktisi di dunia engineering pernah mampir ke tentangCAD, bahkan seorang bos sebuah konsultan arsitektur lulusan luar negeri yang saya kenal, pas saya perlihatkan blog tentang cad (sebelumnya dengan fitur yang sederhana sempat bengong dan terkagum-kagum, dia bilang ternyata orang kita gak kalah pinter dengan orang luar. Keberadaannya pun kini menjadi pusat perhatian apalagi setelah ada kontes review tentangCAD, pesertanya pun bukan hanya dari kalangan pengguna CAD, bahkan ada yang awam terhadap CAD.
Di motori oleh Edwin Prakoso, yang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan Edo, dan dibantu oleh kontributor-kontributor handal seperti abah Adesu, kang Igun, Udaf dan Santos mereka ahli-ahli yang mumpuni dalam pengoperasian aplikasi cad membuat semua ulasan-ulasan artikel yang ada di “tentang cad” menjadi lebih hidup. Ini adalah website cad pertama di Indonesia yang pernah saya singgahi, edan....keren euy! Nyetones kata anak band (Rolling Stones maksudnya) Nyektur kata para arsitek. Hampir semua ulasan tentang aplikasi cad ada disini (Autocad, Revit, Microstation...dll)
Ulasan-ulasan artikel dan tutorialnya yang selalu ter-update, tersaji dengan sederhana, tapi mempunyai bobot dan tentunya sangat mudah dan cepat dimengerti, bagaimana menerapkan, mempraktekan aplikasi cad secara cepat dan efektif sebagai alat untuk mempermudah pekerjaan, diulas secara detail tersusun rapi step by step, orang awam sekalipun pasti bisa, berani jamin asal bisa baca dan bisa komputer....Terlhalhu....kata Bang Haji.
"TentangCAD" Inilah gudang ilmu bagi pengguna CAD, buka kuncinya (situsnya), baca artikelnya, dan praktekan segera! Bagi pemula, lanjutan, mahir.......lengkap ada disini.
Dari segi tampilan halaman muka situs ini didesain minimalis elegan, tapi desain header rasanya terlalu naif dengan adanya image meja gambar lengkap dengan secangkir kopi, apakah dunia cad identik dengan dunia gambar saja dan minum kopi? (caffein)...., ......tapi so pasti 99,99% dari tampilan dan konten situs ini bagi seorang awam tentang blog dan situs seperti saya, ini dah OK!..terus berkarya, majukan bangsa!!!

Interior Design and Decorating Floor Finishes - Types of Hard Flooring

Interior Design and Decorating Floor Finishes - Types of Hard Flooring

Cement Resin

This comprises of cement polyester resin and an aggregate (crushed stone or sand). It can be laid over concrete or a timber base. It provides a hardwearing non-slip surface, which has a slight texture.


This is a composite material made up of cement and marble aggregate, it is then mixed and poured in situ onto a concrete base. It is then ground waxed and polished. It has a mosaic look. It can also be premade and is available in slabs or tiles. It is very hard wearing, if it is polished or wet it is very slippery. It is a suitable product to be used with under floor heating.

Hard Flooring - Terazzo

Terrazzo flooring in a mall situation.

It is very useful in commercial situations i.e. malls and shopping centers as it is very durable and easy to clean.

Over large expanses control joints are required to reduce the risk of cracking. It is expensive but worth it in these situations. It can be used to great effect in design work, using brass strips to define the edges with the use of different colored terrazzo between can be very effective.

Concrete Screeds

These are usually used as a base for other floor finishes. There are many forms, monolithic, laid over the concrete base within a few hours of the base being laid. Bonded - existing concrete base with aggregate exposed has a cement screed laid over it. Unbounded - a cement screed is laid over a plain existing concrete base. Floating - is laid over thermal or sound insulation materials.

Hard Flooring - Coloured Concrete

Colored Concrete Screed in a mall situation.

Epoxy Resin

Produced by combining epoxide resin, fillers, aggregate and hardener. It can be laid over a cement screed, plywood or other surfaces. It provides a thin hardwearing layer available in numerous colors and textures. It can be made non-slip if required.

Polyester Resin

Produced by combining polyester resin, aggregates, fillers, glass fibers pigments and catalyst. It can be laid over a cement screed or plywood. It is a hardwearing product with a wide color range.

Polyurethane Resin

Produced by combining polyurethane resin and fillers. It can be laid over a cement screed or plywood. It provides a hardwearing non-slip surface available in numerous textures and colors.

All the hard flooring examples above are joint less liquid floor finishes. They start as a liquid form then harden to form the desired finish. Terrazzo and cement screed floors are required to be laid in bays with control joints to reduce the possibility of cracking and shrinkage. The majority of these products are best suited for commercial industrial and institutional applications.

Interior Design and Decorating Floor Finishes - Types of Semi Hard Flooring

Interior Design and Decorating Floor Finishes - Types of Semi Hard Flooring


Linoleum is made up from natural ingredients, linseed oil, ground cork, resin, fillers and pigments. These are baked slowly at high temperatures and pressed onto a jute or Hessian backing.

It is a misunderstood product as in its early form it was thin and brittle but with new production methods and design development it is fast becoming a popular flexible flooring choice. It is available in numerous color combinations and can be plain, patterned or in a marbleized look.

It is warm and quiet underfoot. It requires sealing with a polish as if water penetrates under the surface it will lift. It comes in sheet or tile form and is fixed to the floor with an adhesive.


Rubber is made from natural or synthetic rubber, fillers and pigments. It is available in single colors with relief patterns or marbled. It comes in sheet form or tiles cut from sheets. The sheet form is available with foam rubber backing which provides a form of sound insulation. It has good wear properties, is resilient and tough, warm and quiet underfoot. It can be loose laid on concrete.


Cork is a natural product that comes from the bark of the evergreen oak. It is most commonly available in tiles. These are cut from blocks of granulated cork that has been compressed with binders and baked. It wears well, is warm and quiet underfoot.

Most commonly found in its natural color, warm gold to dark brown, it can be purchased colored from specific suppliers. It has good insulating properties and is very resilient. There are different grades, qualities and thicknesses available. It is not to be used with under floor heating, as it will lift. After laying with an adhesive it should be sealed with polyurethane. A lightweight tile can be used for wall tiles.

Flexible Vinyl

This comprises of PVC, resin binder, fillers and pigments. It is a very versatile product as it comes in numerous thicknesses, textures, patterns and colors. It is waterproof, oil and fat resistant, hardwearing and not effected by most household chemicals.


Non slip vinyl used on this accessible shower floor and standard vinyl to the walls.

As it is flexible it can be coved up walls to create a watertight floor. For non-slip varieties, quartz crystals or Carborundum are impregnated into the product. This works very well but it makes the floor very difficult to clean. Depending on the vinyl, some can be welded, which means the joins are also made watertight.

Vinyl is fixed to a well-prepared substrate free of lumps, bumps and dirt with adhesive. Vinyl is quiet and warm underfoot, and can be used with under floor heating. It is available in sheet and tile form and for added acoustic benefits some manufactures sell a foam cushion backed product. Vinyl is easy to care for, only requiring a sweep / vacuum and a wet mop.

Sejuta manfaat dari bambu

Sejuta manfaat dari bambu

Ada pepatah orang tua dulu, kalo mau hari tua tidak susah tanamlah kelapa atau bambu, pepatah ini memang bukan isapan jempol belaka, ada benarnya dan memang benar. Baiklah sekarang kita bahas bambu, kelapanya diabaikan dulu!

Bambu, buluh, awi dan sebutan lain namanya memang mempunyai banyak kegunaan dan manfaat, selain mempunyai jenis yang sangat banyak.

Di kehidupan masyarakat desa, bambu sangat dekat dan dibutuhkan untuk berbagai kebutuhan masyarakat desa. Aktifitas kehidupan sehari-hari pun tak luput dari pemanfaatan bambu sebagai bahan makanan (rebung), pembungkus makanan (daun), makanan ternak (pucuk muda), sapu lidi, kerajinan untuk kebutuhan rumah tangga, cinderamata dan meubeler, bahan industri (pulp dan kertas), konstruksi (jembatan, bangunan rumah, tiang, sekat, dinding, atap dan penyanggah), bahan bakar dan untuk upacara adat.

Manfaat lain dari bambu yaitu memiliki keunggulan untuk memperbaiki sumber tangkapan air yang sangat baik, sehingga mampu meningkatkan aliran air bawah tanah secara nyata. Selain itu bambu merupakan tanaman yang mudah ditanam, tidak membutuhkan perawatan khusus, dapat tumbuh pada semua jenis tanah (baik lahan basah/kering), tidak membutuhkan investasi besar, pertumbuhannya cepat, setelah tanaman 3 s.d 5 tahun dapat di panen setiap tahun tanpa merusak rumpun dan memiliki toleransi tinggi terhadap gangguan alam dan kebakaran. Bambu juga memiliki kemampuan peredam suara yang baik dan menghasilkan banyak oksigen sehingga dapat ditanam di pusat pemukiman dan pembatas jalan raya.

Jadi kalo mempunyai lahan, mulailan sekarang untuk menanam bambu untuk kelangsungan hidup yang lebih baik. (Sumber : dari berbagai sumber)

Empire Flooring

Empire Flooring

Someone whose want to replace old home equipment or just moving to new house, must spend a large of time to search and choose the best equipment for their house. For some home equipment, which will buy for a long time usage like furniture, carpets, or Hardwood Flooring, we must be carefully and wise consideration before deciding to buy it. But visiting each stores can’t do by searching the suitable product, cause it will spend a large of cost and time. Anyway, there are a lot of online stores that offer variety product of home equipment with each description and specification. We only just visit their web site, search the suitable product, transferring money, and waiting for delivery service.

Empire Today is one of the online home equipment stores which offers unique service for their customers. Not as other conventional online store service, they will bring the sample products to customers to match it with customer’s existing decoration house. Their staf will measure the new look installation, give the price, and then discussing about payment or installation schedule. All those processes are described clearly on their web site at The-Empire-Process page. Another ways to help their customers, they provide toll free contact phone and online information center. Other interesting service is next day installation. It means they promise that customers spend no time for waiting, because they have professional trained installers with high skill to handle all jobs to ensure smooth and non hitch installation process.

Empire Today was founded 45 years ago at Northlake, Illinois. This company is specialized on home furnishing or improvement, flooring installation, bath renovation, and window treatment. Seymour Cohen as founding father of Empire Carpet, the original name of Empire Today, at 1959 started his business as family run company. Now they have 50 company branches scattered on major cities at United States and Canada. They claim that was served more than one million customers and became the one of Nation's Top 200 Brand Names in USA. They also got some business awards such as Torch Award Winner for Marketplace Ethics: Chicago and Northern Illinois BBB on 2006, Angie's List Super Service Award - Indianapolis, Los Angeles, Dallas, Detroit and Orlando on 2007 and American Business Award Finalist on 2007.

As shown on, the main products of this company are carpet, called Empire Carpet and flooring or called Empire Flooring. Both of these two product categories consist of several types or styles. Each style or type is described with its detail features, installation, price or financing, and also testimonials from other customer who was bought the product. Testimonial will help us considers before deciding buy the product. For some customers, read or hear another customer’s experience is more important than sales or marketing staf explanations. Because of this reason, provides special sub domain special for their customer’s testimonials fo Empire Carpet and Empire Flooring product. The testimonial pages seem like as customers site blog. On this page customers can post their experience or satisfaction regarding Empire products.

Interior Design and Decorating Floor Finishes – Carpet

Interior Design and Decorating Floor Finishes – Carpet

How Carpet is constructed

It is important to understand the two main methods of carpet construction as it is a large financial outlay for the client and they will have endless questions on why one costs more than another? Why one has a looser look, firmer feel, multicolored etc?

Today most carpets are produced by the tufting method of manufacture. It consists of hundreds of needles, which thread the yarn through the backing (jute or polypropylene), which forms loops or tufts to the required length.

The option then depending on the type of machine is to cut the loops to form a cut pile tufted carpet or leave the loops to form a looped pile tufted carpet.

The backing is then given a layer of adhesive coating to fix the tufts in position; another layer of backing is then fixed for added strength.

Axminster carpet

Traditionally carpets were woven on a loom. Many still are and are named from the type of loom that they are manufactured from. Axminster, for example, different colored tufts are inserted into the weave from above so that they make up the pile but do not run in the back. By this method, many colors can be used and most Axminster's are patterned. Wilton is another example, it is woven in continuous strands and only a small number of colors can be used on the loom. The pile yarn is woven so that the colors not showing on the surface lie on the back. It is a cut, looped or cut and looped pile. Patterned Wiltons are possible but at the high end of the quality and price range.

All woven carpets have the backing threads and pile woven at the same time, which means that the tufts are fixed in place. Weaving is a well-known method for producing patterns. Woven carpets are generally slower to make than tufted. You can generally distinguish between the two by viewing the back sides.

Both methods of construction are of a high quality and your choice will come down to the look that you require.

Carpets can be made by other methods, bonding and knitting. Bonded carpets are constructed by gluing tufts of pile directly onto a backing. Knitted carpets have a more complex construction method than Axminsters or Wiltons. Knitting the pile yarn and backing together achieve this type of method.

The combination of research and development in yarn and machinery married with specialist textile designers and the demand from the consumer is creating a burgeoning new wave of innovative and creative textures, styles, color combinations and patterns.

Just when you think you've seen everything - a new range is released and it opens up new doors for selecting schemes and creating wonderful new environments. The hardest job is keeping up with the choices! Overall the basics still apply and what you will learn here is a good grounding for appreciating the new product to come.

Ayres Retail Store by Dieguez Fridman

Ayres Retail Store by Dieguez Fridman

A cool Ayres Retail Store located in El Solar de la Abada Mall, Buenos Aires, Argentina. This new retail store was designed by Dieguez Fridman architects. The unfolded idea wraps around the store draws the attention from the visitors, that creating a sense of welcoming to the store. The geometry itself expresses the sensuality and amutating infatuation with each perspective changes.

From the architects :

Through a faceted form that unfolds in the store, the project explores the ambiguity between object and container. The form defines itself through its’ contrast of textures, colors and geometry with the container. By approaching it and blending with it at the certain points, and separating from it at others, the space for clothes display and fitting rooms is generated.

Architect: Dieguez Fridman arquitectos & asociados
Project: Ayres Store, El Solar de la Abada Mall
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Images © Dieguez Fridman arquitectos & asociados

Kids Bedroom + Kids Study Room Ideas from Sergi

Kids Bedroom + Kids Study Room Ideas from Sergi

Create an exciting room for study and bedroom to take a rest for your kids by using this nice inspiring ideas of kids bedroom and study room layout from Sergi. There are great photo realistic render image of Kids bedroom and study room from the designer with great color scheme combination, excellent kids furniture choice and different kids rooms themes. Try to pick out best one for your kids room interior decoration and change your common kids room space themes to an exciting one from the Sergi.

Based on what the needs are for the interior design of a children’s bedroom, an interior designer will use modeling programs and concept sketches to get an idea of how to put the room together. The interior design of a bedroom may include selecting furniture that will support the functions of the bedroom, such as beds and desks, as well as the appearance of the room, including paint and window treatments.