Cari Arsitek disini tempatnya...........

Arsitektur Online adalah penyedia jasa arsitek yang dilakukan secara online dimana berfokus pada keperluan desain arsitektur. Mulai data dari owner di kirim via email terus komunikasi penyajian desain juga via email sampai penyajian terakhir bisa dikirim via pos. Dengan keberadaan online internet kita bisa menjangkau ke seluruh pelosok nusantara bahkan dunia untuk memenuhi kebutuhan desain arsitektur dengan mudahnya untuk itu berdiri.

Desain Arsitektur

Kebutuhan desain arsitektur baik keperluan eksterior maupun interior mulai dari rumah tinggal, kantor, ruko ( rumah toko ), villa, gudang, hotel, mall, apartemen, tempat ibadah, dll tergantung permintaan owner.

Desain Rumah

Didalam proses pelaksanaan suatu rumah tinggal perlu adanya desain yang dapat dijadikan acuan / pegangan supaya lebih memudahkan didalam pengerjaan proyek rumah tinggal untuk itu desain rumah mutlak adanya apalagi rumah mewah yang banyak sekali memerlukan suatu apresiasi didalam proses menuangkan ide-idenya.

Produk Arsitektur

Untuk mencukupi keperluan didalam suatu proyek maka dibutuhkan gambar konsep, gambar penyajian, gambar kerja khususnya arsitektur untuk itu onarsitek berusaha untuk memenuhi kebetuhan tersebut.

Penyajian Arsitektur

Didalam penyampaian kepada konsumen perlu adanya suatu hal yang dapat memperjelas pengertian terhadap owner untuk itu diperlukan penyajian arsitektur yang mudah pengplikasiannya, maka perlu suatu produk digital yang dapat membantu untuk membuka pandangan masyarakat awam

Seluruh Indonesia

Untuk sementara waktu ini onarsitek hanya bisa melayani customer seluruh Indonesia, tetapi untuk jangka panjang tidak menutup kemungkinan bisa seluruh dunia.


Jumat, 23 April 2010

Empire Flooring

Empire Flooring

Someone whose want to replace old home equipment or just moving to new house, must spend a large of time to search and choose the best equipment for their house. For some home equipment, which will buy for a long time usage like furniture, carpets, or Hardwood Flooring, we must be carefully and wise consideration before deciding to buy it. But visiting each stores can’t do by searching the suitable product, cause it will spend a large of cost and time. Anyway, there are a lot of online stores that offer variety product of home equipment with each description and specification. We only just visit their web site, search the suitable product, transferring money, and waiting for delivery service.

Empire Today is one of the online home equipment stores which offers unique service for their customers. Not as other conventional online store service, they will bring the sample products to customers to match it with customer’s existing decoration house. Their staf will measure the new look installation, give the price, and then discussing about payment or installation schedule. All those processes are described clearly on their web site at The-Empire-Process page. Another ways to help their customers, they provide toll free contact phone and online information center. Other interesting service is next day installation. It means they promise that customers spend no time for waiting, because they have professional trained installers with high skill to handle all jobs to ensure smooth and non hitch installation process.

Empire Today was founded 45 years ago at Northlake, Illinois. This company is specialized on home furnishing or improvement, flooring installation, bath renovation, and window treatment. Seymour Cohen as founding father of Empire Carpet, the original name of Empire Today, at 1959 started his business as family run company. Now they have 50 company branches scattered on major cities at United States and Canada. They claim that was served more than one million customers and became the one of Nation's Top 200 Brand Names in USA. They also got some business awards such as Torch Award Winner for Marketplace Ethics: Chicago and Northern Illinois BBB on 2006, Angie's List Super Service Award - Indianapolis, Los Angeles, Dallas, Detroit and Orlando on 2007 and American Business Award Finalist on 2007.

As shown on, the main products of this company are carpet, called Empire Carpet and flooring or called Empire Flooring. Both of these two product categories consist of several types or styles. Each style or type is described with its detail features, installation, price or financing, and also testimonials from other customer who was bought the product. Testimonial will help us considers before deciding buy the product. For some customers, read or hear another customer’s experience is more important than sales or marketing staf explanations. Because of this reason, provides special sub domain special for their customer’s testimonials fo Empire Carpet and Empire Flooring product. The testimonial pages seem like as customers site blog. On this page customers can post their experience or satisfaction regarding Empire products.

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